Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Weather Reminder

Check local listing for Mt. Olive Christian Preschool.  We will cancel morning classes if delays happen. Should weather conditions become worse during the morning, the Preschool Director may cancel afternoon classes as well. If that should occur you will receive a telephone call by 11:00am to notify you, please make sure the director has a primary phone number to be called in such instance. It is prudent we only have to make one call per student.

Please review the cancellation policy in the handbook. Cancellations and delays will be announced on KDKA television, radio and their web sites and the radio station WBVP 1230 AM.  As always, use discretion when considering whether to bring your child to school on a snowy or icy day.

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Service Projects

September - Grandfriend Cards

October - Support our Troops

November - Harvest baskets

December - Band-Aids for Buddies

January - Valentine's for Veteran's

February - Soup kitchen

March - Meals-on-Wheels

April - Make-a-Wish

May - C.A.S.T. - School Supplies

Chapel Times


11:00am Pre-K 9am class

11:30am Pre-K 9:30am class

2:30pm Pre-K 12:30pm class

Tuesday or Thursday's

10:30am 3's 9am class

11:00am 3's 9:30am class

1:30pm 3's 12:00pm class (for both classes)


11am for Step 2